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Battery Energy Storage  Systems  - Are They Safe?
Oct 30, 2024

Battery Energy Storage Systems - Are They Safe?

Read a summary of our discussions with renowned physicist Professor Sir David Melville regarding BESS

Battery Energy Storage  Systems  - Are They Safe?

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The safety of the battery energy storage system (BESS) element of the proposed Stonestreet Green Solar development is of serious concern to the community. Whilst EPL001 Ltd have been almost completely silent on all aspects of battery storage, we have been fortunate to talk to renowned physicist Professor Sir David Melville CBE who is an expert in this field. As a member of the Faversham Society, he has been involved with the Cleve Hill solar scheme and has subsequently advised on projects globally. He has kindly agreed to advise us on the aspects of BESS during the Examination process.

Photograph of Liverpool BESS fire and toxic plume – courtesy of Liverpool Echo

“Batteries are optional”

Sir David was keen to point out that batteries are optional and are not required to make a solar project viable. They only store a relatively small amount of energy from the panels and are used for energy trading and balancing. The batteries can be located anywhere within reasonable access to the grid, and it is clear that the BESS simply provides more profit for the contractor. However, it is well established that they add a dangerous element to the solar plant due to their proclivity to fire, explosions and the emission of toxic fumes.

“The layout of this scheme is an oddity and located in a most unsuitable place”

The fact that the scheme is located adjacent to the village in rolling countryside, with batteries distributed across the site and located so close to many residential properties makes Stonestreet Green Solar uniquely hazardous.

“Batteries can and do catch fire”

Solar developers and the Government claim that BESS are safe, but the reality based on global experience is that lithium-ion batteries do catch fire, as occurred in Liverpool in 2020. A fault in a single battery cell can lead to local overheating which then rapidly propagates to neighbouring cells in a process called thermal runaway. There have been many such occurrences in BESS around the world leading to life changing injury and loss of life. The fires cannot be extinguished with water and the only way to control them is to allow them to burn out whilst using prodigious amounts of water simply to cool the surroundings, often over several days and so limit the thermal runaway.

“Fire services specify insufficient quantities of water to be stored onsite”

The Kent Fire and Rescue Service stipulates that 2 hours of water supply be available to fight battery fires. This is woefully inadequate given that the fires can burn for days and have required millions of litres of water elsewhere. This is a disaster waiting to happen in our backyard.

“Toxic plumes from battery fires can seriously impact public health”

Evidence demonstrates that lethal concentrations of emissions of the highly toxic Hydrogen Fluoride gas are produced in BESS thermal runaways. Modelling of these toxic plumes shows that in the event of fire residential properties adjacent to Stonestreet Green Solar would be at risk of serious health impact and would require evacuation.

It is clear from our discussions with Sir David that there are inherent safety risks associated with lithium-ion batteries. They do catch fire, and the resulting toxic plumes are a serious public health risk. We have to question the logic of scattering 116 battery containers in open countryside close to residential properties. Access for fire engines will in many cases be difficult, for example along the unmade byway that links Frith Road to Bank Road. It is clear that insufficient water will be stored onsite and in the event of a fire, toxic water will inevitably find its way into the East Stour River. Is this another Grenfell waiting to happen – unscrupulous developers putting profit before safety whilst the Government and fire authorities are asleep at the wheel?