The Planning Inspectorate is currently asking for people to notify them in writing of their wish to take part in an Open Floor Hearing by 31st January.
What is an Open Floor Hearing ?
An Open Floor hearing is your opportunity to have your say. Individuals are given 5 minutes to speak.
The Examining Authority is not inviting general statements about how the Government’s policy on Solar Panels is wrong, but rather how the proposed scheme will affect you personally.
Speaking in public is a task that few relish, but heart felt views expressed about this ill-conceived scheme from those who will be directly affected will have an impact. This will be our very last chance to persuade the Planning Inspectorate to recommend a Refusal.
The Hearings to date have been held at the Ashford International Hotel which has been inconvenient for many and as a consequence attendance by the community has not been as good as it could have been. As part of your request to take part, please ask for the Open Floor Hearing to be held at Aldington Village Hall.
Please email
(quoting your PINS reference number if you have one) today, stating that you wish to take part in an Open Floor Hearing in Aldington. We anticipate that the Hearing will take place during the week commencing 24th February.
It is absolutely vital that we show that the community cares about the terrible impact this project will have and we hope you will want to help in any way you can.
The Examiner has scheduled time for hearings the week commencing 24th February, when we expect him to examine some or all of the principal issues. You will be able to attend these hearings and have your say. So far, the hearings have been held at the Ashford International Hotel at not particularly convenient times for the community. At the preliminary meeting Linda Harman requested that the hearings be held at the Village Hall, so that more people can attend. Fingers crossed that they listen!
Put the week of 24th February in your diary and in the meantime request in you written submission that an Open Floor Hearing be held in Aldington